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[E] ed11e
[E] ed11e
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over 11 years ago
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over 11 years ago
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I was in a Skype chat with a friend (MC name meatballlucozade) and i was in his skyblock world things kept happening (like creepers) I swore in the chat because I didn't know I couldn't, I got kicked and i did not know why, I then got my house destroyed and swore some more i got banned and my friend told me that a guy called Neil banned me for swearing, if you unban me i promise i will never swear in the chat or do anything else that defies the rules. thank you for your time ed11e
over 11 years ago
Username: ed11e When you were banned : 05/08/2013 Person who banned you: ? Reason you were banned: swearing in chat Server: minetown i didnt know you could not swear in chat and i am sorry i was just messing about with a friend please unban me
over 11 years ago
Username: ed11e When you were banned : 05/08/2013 Person who banned you: ? Reason you were banned: swearing in chat Server: skyblock
over 11 years ago
I am sorry for my behaviour i was in a skype call with a friend and he dared me to swear in the chat please unban me i will never do it again and will continue to have fun if you please unban me!! MInecraft name: ed11e
over 11 years ago